February 18, 2013


It's the Summer festive season in Australia at the moment! I absolutely love this time of year when people are  all around, soaking in the sun and enjoying time with friends outside! Diana and I visited the Garden of Unearthly Delights which is located in a park and there are food stalls, performances, things like Henna...and it was just really fun, but SO packed because it was the opening night.

Anyway we had some fun taking photos in this alley way near a Vegan restaurant.

February 11, 2013

Basics (January 2013)

Hey bloggers! After about a year of having a dead blog I finally got the chance to take photos with an SLR camera! A couple of weeks ago my friend Diana and I went out to the city with the intention of taking photos for our street style blog!

Last year we started a blog called Little Adelaide: http://littleadelaideblog.blogspot.com.au/ and the Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LittleAdelaide
We take photos of street style around the city of Adelaide and I guess it’s purely a hobby as well as to get a taste of fashion in social media.

Anyway, it was 40 something degrees in Adelaide...the worst possible day to be walking around the city. Everyone seemed to be wearing lazy clothes haha so we ended up just taking photos for our personal blogs. I decided to keep the outfit simple...I could’ve avoided wearing the wedges.

February 10, 2013

City Style (January 2012)

OMG! I have not blogged in a couple of months! Which is strange because I always say I’m not blogging often while I’m at school because I don’t have time to shop and take photos and now it’s the Summer Holidays...Anyway it was Jody’s birthday and we ate dinner at a Japanese Restaurant. I think I was attempting to look more mature and sophisticated but this haircut is just so short and I feel like I’m 12 again. I’m trying to embrace it by leaving it down; it’s just so much more of a hassle though trying to make sure bits of hairs aren’t sticking out the wrong ways. But its hair and it’ll grow haha!